MVC (Model View Controller), a software design pattern used for developing web applications, which enforces separation of concerns – domain model & controller logic from the user interface & makes the maintenance & testing of the application simple & easy. Three main components of MVC Architecture are – Model, View & Controller. Model represents a…
Cloud computing – a technology that is controlled by a central remote server through which our data can be maintained or exchanged. Cloud is the data warehouse which provides services to limited or unlimited number of people. In Cloud computing by means of internet anyone can share or use software without installation in our system…
Constructor is a special method in java. Constructor name must be same as class name and constructor do not have any return type but constructor may have any access specification level such as public private etc. Constructor in java cannot be abstract , static , final or synchronized. These Modifiers are not allowed for constructor…
Big data itself defines that it is related to the very large data. Any fact or figure is known as data. Here big data defines the large amount of fact or figures. The data is so large and complex to handle that’s why known as big data. Different tools (data management tools) which are used…
CASE TOOL – (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools are used in different phases of software development. Software development phases include planning, designing, coding, testing, implementation, deployment and maintenance. All these phases require some tools to handle the process so according to the needs some software engineering tools are available known as CASE Tools. These tools…