If you use smartphone, these accessories may add more features to your usage.
Smartphones are rapidly replacing various gadgets which you carried years ago for different purposes. Camera to click a photo, MP3 player to enjoy music, laptop/computer to use internet, entertainment etc., there are various things which have now been replaced by you smartphone. With smartphone becoming so popular among students, professionals and even elderly people, there are various mobile accessories which add on various features and convenience to your smartphone. Here we have listed these accessories –

Smartphone Screen Magnifier – Do you want to enjoy videos on your mobile screen but feel that screen is too small? Place your mobile phone on mobile screen magnifier and enjoy your videos on bigger screen with good picture quality.

Earphones – Want to enjoy music but do not want to disturb people around you? Plug in earphones and enjoy the music of your choice. Remember – do not listen to the music on very loud sound as it may impact your hearing, enjoy music on light and moderate sound.

Lazy Bed Mobile Holder – While watching your favourite show or movie on mobile phone, it’s difficult to hold mobile phone on hands for a long time. No worry, this invention is done for this purpose only.

Mobile charging stand – The charging cord is too short with the charger and you always face problem where to keep mobile phone while charging? Get a mobile charging stand and charge your phone wherever you want to charge it.

Power Bank – Of course with a long usage especially while using 3G or 4G network, battery drains out very quickly and you may not get electricity to charge your phone everywhere. Carry a power bank which will uninterruptedly keep you mobile phone charged provided you keep power bank fully charged.

VR Glasses – Insert your phone into this VR headset for an immersive experience. Be it watching a full HD travel video or playing a 3D game, this VR headset makes it worth your time.

Mini Bluetooth Headset – Need to answer an urgent call while driving? This mini Bluetooth headset is super tiny and easily fits in your ears.

Bluetooth speaker – Want to experience music on big speakers but afraid of carrying it due to tangling of wires and all mess. Get a good Bluetooth speaker and tune to music of your choice.

Selfie stick – No need to ask other people to get your photograph clicked, get a selfie stick and never miss a change to photograph yourself with amazing background behind you.
Enjoy your smartphone usage.