
Is your child becoming addict to gadgets? Prevent him to become prey of hazard with careful parenting.


Smartphones, laptops, tablets, internet, play stations and other gadgets, we are surrounded by these virtual machines all around and so children as well. We often see children to curious to complete all levels of their favourite game and accomplishing different challenges at different levels. Children’s intellectuals are so immature that sometimes they conceptualize something imaginary to be reality and accept a challenge which becomes fatal for them. Some suicides of children worldwide strengthen this fact when children under 15 ended their life while accepting a challenge in a game. Yes, we are talking about ‘Blue Whale’ challenge, a game which is responsible for death of as many as 240* (data gathered from different sources) children worldwide and some cases are now reported from India too.


We cannot assume these deaths as suicides because children are not aware of such fatal result of their move. Specialists feel this to be serious sequence which cannot be controlled by keeping a watch or being strict with children to stay away from such challenges. As mentioned earlier, immature intellectuals make an imaginary image of the game and its characters. Children start relating everything to be realistic world and thus to complete a challenge they move such step which dire consequences they aren’t aware of. Here we share some parenting suggestions to prevent your child to become addict of games and gadgets.

Balance – Set daily internet use limit and determine a time when they can use internet and be aware of their usage. Do not allow them to use gadgets and internet in their sleeping time. Regularly check their usage and investigate of exceeded the permitted limit.

Spending more time – In order to keep children away from such games and other hazardous temptations, spend more time with them. Be updated with every move of children and despite your busiest schedule, spare some time for a quality time to spend with children.

Expectations & pressure – Teens are known to experiment & discover new things due to peer trending. Sometimes children make their imaginary world to soothe pressure of competition, expectations from parents and imbalance to meet pressure. Show compassion to children and assure them your stand by in all circumstances.

Talk & counsel – Create such environment for children in which they could fearlessly share their thoughts and problems. Accept their inability to move with crowd and counsel them to sense difference between right and wrong. Encourage them to ask things and address their curiosities. Guide them in a friendly manner so that before making any move, they consult with you.

It’s hard to forcibly push children to stop doing something unless they are demonstrated holistically. We think our responsibility is over by send them to reputed schools, getting their needs fulfilled and providing them all amenities. Most important is to spend time and personal care, problem will pre resolved.

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