

Success cannot be achieved merely by reading ‘Success Stories.’

Dhirubhai Ambani, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs etc. are some names who are known all over the world due to their accomplishments and success. But their lives had lots struggles and failures which always pushed them back. Still they became successful, was there any secret behind their success? No there…

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – Will it boost economy?

Switch to any news channel, pick any newspaper, one word you will obviously hear or read – FDI. Yes, it’s very hot topic these days and often seen being discussed by politicians, economists, traders, corporate etc. but still away from common man’s knowledge. So let us try to understand what exactly is FDI and why…

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After B Tech – MBA or M Tech. Confused?

B Tech, a name which is often listened around. A four year engineering degree, B Tech is the academic qualification for the students to be eligible for engineering job. After B Tech, whether the students get the job or not, the question always persist in their mind – What to do after B Tech? Yes, I…

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Promotion, Marketing, Strategies – Indian cinema too using these tools to maximize collections.

Planning, strategies, promotion and marketing, these are some terminologies for all businesses whether it to be services, telecom, hospitality, FMCG or else. How cinema can be behind to use these tools for success? Apart from script, story, direction or star casts, which are the internal procedures of cinema industry, film makers have now started planning…

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Seven tips to control your cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that provides energy to the body’s cells. Produced from the food that we eat, cholesterol is extremely essential for the body to work in a proper manner; however, too much cholesterol in the body leads to its build-up in the walls of our arteries and this increases the risk of…

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