Steganography, the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient suspects the existence of the message. It is based on invisible communication in which the secret message is shared wither any other by hiding in the cover file. Herodotus’s histories describes the…
A big number of people use Windows operating system every day and we see some periodic changes in functionality, appearance and other changes in the Windows. These changes are none but the addition, modification & removal of some features. Microsoft is known for its innovative and user friendly products with which lives of people is…
Cloud computing – a technology that is controlled by a central remote server through which our data can be maintained or exchanged. Cloud is the data warehouse which provides services to limited or unlimited number of people. In Cloud computing by means of internet anyone can share or use software without installation in our system…
Constructor is a special method in java. Constructor name must be same as class name and constructor do not have any return type but constructor may have any access specification level such as public private etc. Constructor in java cannot be abstract , static , final or synchronized. These Modifiers are not allowed for constructor…
Big data itself defines that it is related to the very large data. Any fact or figure is known as data. Here big data defines the large amount of fact or figures. The data is so large and complex to handle that’s why known as big data. Different tools (data management tools) which are used…