
Know the different personalities before developing personality.


We meet many people in a day with different habits and behavior. While meeting a person it’s easy to detect his/her personality by observing communication skills, behavior, knowledge level and so on but before concluding somebody’s personality, we need to know different kind of personalities in human beings. So, let’s try to understand, I try to explain the required personality and will compare it with the opposite personality.

• Optimistic and Pessimistic – For optimistic people life is full of opportunities and they never give up by facing few failures and expect better results in next attempt. They persistently move towards their goal with positive energy and enthusiasm whereas opposite to it ‘Pessimist’ people get diverted from their goal by seeing barriers and difficulties. They have negative attitude towards all opportunities and think about problem rather than finding the solution of it. So, perfect and acceptable personality is optimistic, don’t think about barriers in a problem rather try to find it’s solution by facing these problem with an optimistic approach.

• Extrovert and Introvert – Extrovert people openly express their views and opinions in a group and like to share their ideas to other people and there is an enthusiasm in their voice whereas ‘Introvert’ people keep their ideas and opinions to themselves only and hardly speak in a group and enthusiasm and energy miss in their voice. So, perfect personality is extrovert, don’t keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself only but speak up with enthusiasm to gain confidence level in a group to be on an assertive position.

• Pleasing and Irritating – Pleasing people always look happy and try to make people happy by which they attract people and have great interpersonal skills which help them to build a good relation with other people and have a great sense of humor with decent attitude whereas opposite to this irritating people look unhappy and get easily annoyed. Their behavior and attitude is not acceptable in society convention so people refrain to be social with such personalities. So, perfect personality is pleasing, develop decent habits and manners to develop pleasing interpersonal relations.

• Proactive and reactive – Proactive people prepare sources and tools to meet future situations before the situation comes and plan for successful accomplishment of the task whereas the reactive people react when situation arises or passes. So, perfect approach is proactive where we need to foresee all possible sources required for the successfully meeting a situation.

• Broadminded and narrow minded – Broadminded people have broad vision and have capacity to think beyond the personal likes or dislikes and are not easily offended with prudence to understand the situation with flexibility whereas narrow minded people are easily provoked with offensive nature and their behavior is concluded by their personal likes or dislikes. So, the society accepts broadminded people who have great wisdom to have broad vision.

• Dominating and submissive – Dominating people are always in an assertive position where they can easily dominate in a group and have great confidence level. They possess good communication skills and ability to make people to act in desired way whereas submissive people have passive approach where they easily accept or allow to happen what other people say or do without resistance or active response. So, we must develop an approach to have dominating personality and see the various aspect of a situation and should resist if not agree with any point but without any conflict or confrontation.

• Dashing and sluggish – Dashing people have an aura on their face with great energy throughout the day. They swiftly do their work and activeness and alertness reflects in their body language whereas sluggish people look dull and lazy and inactiveness and slowness reflects in their body language. So, perfect personality is dashing with ability to maximize the productivity.

• Strong and weak – People having strong mental, psychological and emotional ability have great ability to concentrate on their focus and are not easily distracted by any event of the life and have great mental stamina to overcome any situation whereas weak people easily break down due to any situation and are not capable to meet their goal effectively due to weak mental or emotional ability. So, one need to be emotionally strong to overcome any situation in life.

• Winsome and alienating – Winsome people are social with attractive and charming manners to develop good interpersonal relations and have decent habits and follow the conventional rules whereas alienating people like to be unsocial and have their own separate world where they do not see themselves happy or comfortable in a group. So, winsome people have an ability to move with a group and develop various skills required for a perfect personality.

These are the different personalities which we often meet and we need to try to develop habits and manners to be acceptable personality while presenting ourselves in a group. Understand all personalities will help us to change our habits or manners to make ourselves an effective personality.

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