

Taking a Personal Loan : Be Careful to not to fall in a ‘Debt Trap.’

With the advent of instant and pre-approved loan offers, the popularity of personal loans has soared high. Personal loans are one of the simplest products that exist, and yet people end up being caught in debt traps for the borrowed loan amount. While, personal loan may seem to be a fast track solution to the…

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You can lose your job if you do these things at office.

If you have got a job than you are very fortunate as a big number is there who has to move from post to pillar to get a job still do not get it. After getting a job, it becomes important to retain it. Nobody likes to lose a job, especially when it’s his only…

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9 International tourist spots where Indians can travel under one lakh budget.

Indians love their vacations and wherever in the world you go, surely you will find Indians as co traveler. But then, while we do love to fly and enjoy, it is also at times difficult as Indians don’t exactly fall in the high-earning bracket. Most of us here in the country come from a middle…

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Develop you mental strength by embracing these 13 habits.

Life is full with swings and various circumstances where one situation can be favourable and immediate after can be something challenging. People’s ability to life the life comfortably depends on the mental strength. Mental strength is all about capability of an individual to accept the circumstances and adaptable with various life situations be these to…

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iPhone 7 launched, let us discover its features.

4-5-6 & now 7, wait is over for those who were eagerly waiting for iphone 7 with Apple Inc launched new phone 7 at San Francisco, US. Apple launched iphone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, along with the Apple Watch Series 2 and a set of wireless headphones called AirPods. The new phones come in…

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