
Use the unused terrace of your building and earn benefits.

terrace use

If you own a building with unused terrace space, there are some ways for you to earn money or generate some daily use products for you. Yes, this trend is becoming very popular in big cities and slowly moving towards small cities and towns as well. All you need to have a building, residential or commercial, with unused terrace. Size of the terrace will be multiplying the results.

In vast urbanization sizes of cities are expanding thus shrinking the sizes of agriculture land and natural resources. But adverse impacts can be reduced if efforts are made by all and these efforts can also yield monetary benefits. As, mentioned above, our residential or commercial buildings can be used for various purposes which will not only generate natural resources but also earn money for us. Here are some tips for us to use terrace space –

Install solar plants and earn for 25 years – In recent years not only in India but worldwide, solar energy has been becoming very popular way to meet our energy requirements like fuel, electricity and light. To produce a single unit of electricity, huge natural resources like water, coal etc are consumed and electricity demands have reached on that level that various states have become incapable of meeting that demand. But, we can do something to contribute in electricity generation. Install solar panels on your terrace and be owner of the solar power plant. The electricity generated by your solar plant can reduce your electricity bill which you pay to authorities. You can also sell electricity to DISCOM (Distribution Company), a Government regulatory to distribute electricity. For this, you will have to contact area DISCOM which will install a meter at the solar plant to measure the electricity generated by your solar plant. DISCOM will either adjust payable amount in your electricity bill or pay you monetary for the electricity sold by you. The capacity of the solar plant will depend on the size of the terrace.

Terrace farming – Rapidly becoming very popular in India, terrace farming is good option to use unused terrace of the building. To do terrace farming, a green house is required to built at the terrace of the building. There are specially built containers fitted with irrigation pipes where vegetables can be grown. Do not grow very common vegetables like potato, cauliflower as return may be less due to high production in agriculture farming. Grow vegetables like beans, tomato, mushroom, capsicum, peas etc to get maximum return on investment. There are lots of people involved in terrace farming and earning good income. The yielded product can be sold directly to consumers and once people will know selling point of the vegetables, it will market your products.

Rent it to mobile companies – In the telecom revolution, all companies are in competition to maximize the coverage area of the service. You can rent out your terrace to mobile company to install its tower. However Supreme Court of India has banned installation of mobile towers in residential complexes but all cities in India are not in the list of banned cities. Check your city and if your city is not in the banned cities, get no objection certificate from your neighbours and municipal authority. Commercial building’s terrace can be rented to the telecom companies for tower installation. Due to call drop problem, government is simplifying the process of tower installation thus creating more opportunities for terrace owners. Mobile companies pay good amount as rent to the owner of the building. This also utilizes the space as mobile companies have not to occupy separate space for tower.

Billboard or hoarding – If you building is near to any highway or busy road, your terrace can be used to install a billboard provided the visibility. You can contact any advertising agency or agency will itself contact if they notice good visibility of the billboard. Please verify the credentials of the agency before renting and verify whether the agency is authorized or not. If agency has no legal clearance to display the hoarding, you will be liable for a legal action as the owner of the building.

These are some ways which you can earn money from as the owner of a terrace. Not only you get opportunity to earn money but also contribute in conserving natural resources, utilizing space and decongestion in fast urbanization.

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