
Are you taking proper sleep everyday? If not, know why it’s important to sleep properly everyday.


A good sleep is one of the most important elements of healthy life. People with irregular sleeping habits face various physical and mental health problems. Irregular blood pressure, hypertension, heart related problems, anemia, forgetfulness, anxiety etc are some health ailments resulted due to improper sleep. Students and professionals have very poorly managed time thus have shrinking or irregular sleeping hours. Medical science recommends advised sleeping hours according to the age. The sleeping time for school children from age 8-15 should be ten hours in night and individual above 18 years should be 6-8 hours. But studies reveal that average sleeping time for children is 6-7 hours and same for adults is less than six hours in night. Its alarming and required to be changed. Here are some ways which will help you to have proper sleep –

Fix your sleeping time – Whether student or professional, schedule your all time and complete your task in schedule time. Lots of people especially youngsters waste time in productive time and do work in sleeping time and shrinking their sleep time. It happens once in blue moon when one is not able to complete work in schedule but when it becomes regular practice, sleep is often reduced which affects badly on health. Schedule you time and go to bed on scheduled time without compromising with sleep. Lots of people say how one can sleep without completing a pending work, for those I would say that work can be done when you devote your time in unnecessary work. Find those and remove from your schedule.

Avoid alcohol, smoke before sleep time – If you smoke or drink, try not to do this immediate before sleeping time as physically you sleep but mentally you cannot due to intake of intoxicants in the tobacco or alcohol.

Do not consume tea, coffee or cola before sleep time – Tea, coffee and soft drinks like cola contain caffeine which is a stimulant of central nervous system. People consume above drinks to avoid sleeping so, if consumed immediate before sleeping time, your nervous system will not make you sleep as long as caffeine effect will remain there.

Do not sleep during day time – Usually seen in people, sleeping late in night and to complete sleep, sleeping in day time. Our body requires an uninterrupted sleep but if one sleeps in shifts, body will not feel relaxed and complete sleep cycle will not be completed. People working in night shift should take proper sleep in day hours in dark room conditions.

Sleeping place should be comfortable and peaceful – Get comfortable mattresses, room temperature and noise free environment for comfortable sleep. Whether you spend ten in bed, if sleeping mattress id not comfortable, distractions are there, you will spend more of the sleeping time in turning around and you will not get up relaxed. Lots of people sleep with TV on, using earphones and listening to music while sleeping, stop doing this and instead make your body and mind relaxed when you go to bed.

Completing your sleeping cycle is like you turn off a motor or engine to cool it. Same is when you take sufficient sleep to relax and rejuvenate yourself. An overheated engine or motor finally breaks down and your over tiredness due to improper sleep can be very fatal for your health. Hope you will implement above suggestions after all, it’s for your wellness. One would not like to generate problem for himself. Have proper and uninterrupted sleep everyday and live healthy life.

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