
It’s not an illusion, your sixth sense has many unveiled facts.


Everyone has the psychic sensitivity. There are chances when we know at the back of our mind that what is going to happen but we call it coincidence most of the times. This ability is extraordinary, we might push back our inner feeling but we know what we know. We all may have psychic ability; maybe we don’t know it yet as 90% of the human brain is unused and underdeveloped.

The sixth sense refers to when some information is received but it not received from any recognized senses.The traditional five senses are of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste and the sixth sense is an addition to these 5 senses. It is an extraordinary thing, it is the feeling that we get, we may also call it our gut feeling.

Following are the signs that might mean you should polish your sensitivities:

  • If you can feel the energies. To exemplify it, you feel the need to call a friend and then you find out that the friend needs help, it is not just a mere coincidence.You might want to track your “coincidences.”
  • If you see beyond visual cues. Like if you lose your keys and you mentally envision where they are.Also you are right most of the time!
  • If you feel a strong connection with Spirit world. In other words, it may become easier for you to sense the presence of a Spirit; it may be of a loved one or of anyone else.
  • If you are more tuned in to your body, mind, and soul than most people are. You knew, without a doubt, that you were pregnant before you took a test.
  • If you sometimes feel unexplainably unwell, maybe nauseated. Later, you learn something major happened to a loved one. It is unfailing; always notice your physical reactions and note down how often they connect to incidents you weren’t aware of.
  • If your energy is extraordinarily positive. For instance, most of the timeyou feel uplifted and you desire to stay away from negativity.
  • If you desire to eat healthier foods. When you are doing intuitive work, you vibrate at a higher frequency (we are all vibrational beings). So, without realizing it, you could be instinctively reaching for “higher vibrational” foods, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • If you desire to learn and be more spiritual.
  • If you dream vividly or more often, it is another common symptom of psychic awakening. When you are sleeping, your mind is not getting in the way of what you are receiving intuitively. So, during the day you might get a feeling about something and say to yourself, “Hmm, should I trust my gut feeling, or is this just my logical mind?” In the sleep state, that resistance is not present but this does not necessarily mean that your dreams are premonitions.
  • If your physical senses have heightened sensitivity. If you find that your hearing is heightened, you are seeing twinkles of light, or “something” out of the corner of your eye it means that your psychic senses are opening up and getting stronger.
  • If you get intuitive “Hits” like having a sense that something is going to happen or receiving a third eye vision is another sign. For some, this can be very exciting; for others, it’s very frightening.
  • If you are losing friends and making new ones it is because your soul is growing tremendously during this time. You may find that you are outgrowing some friends, and things that were once important to you no longer are. It’s okay; the Universe will put new people in your path just continue to trust.

Anomalous experience

At some point in your life, you might have felt someone staring at you, maybe you were at the grocery store, maybe walking along the sidewalk or maybe sitting on a bus. And sure enough, when you turned your head to look, the suspect’s eyes met yours. You just had an anomalous experience. Anomalous experience means some bizarre kind of experience which cannot be explained using conventional laws of science but it doesn’t mean that it is always paranormal or psychic.

The job of the conscious mind is to form a story out of all our sensations and reflections. Life is a coherent narrative unfolding in an orderly universe. But sometimes we have experiences that don’t fit our expectations and may even contradict what science has taught us is possible. In our attempts to accommodate such outlier phenomena, we often turn to unproven forces or entities. We start to believe in the paranormal.

Anomalous experience of this sort ranges from sensing a strange vibe in a room to feeling outside your own body. We often explain such experiences using concepts related to spirits, luck, witchcraft, psychic powers, life energy, or more terrestrial (and extraterrestrial) entities. Such explanations are often more appealing, or at least more intuitive, than blaming an odd experience on a trick of the mind.

One of the most common anomalous experiences is the sense of being stared at. When you see someone gazing directly at you, emotions become activated—it can be exciting or comforting or creepy—and this visceral charge can give the impression that gazes transfer energy. Further, if you feel uncomfortable and check to see whether someone is looking at you, your movement may draw attention—confirming your suspicions.

Another common experience is déjà vu, a phenomenon two in three people report. Most of us shrug it off as a mental hiccup. Indeed, researchers propose it’s a sense of familiarity without a recollection of why something is familiar, or perhaps a timing issue in the brain where thoughts are experienced twice because of a slight wiring delay, lending the second occurrence an odd sensation of repetition. But some people believe it’s a glimpse into a past life.

While anomalous experiences may be associated with stressful circumstances, personal pathologies, or cognitive deficits, the experiences themselves may not always be so bad, and may actually be healthy inventions. They’re just our attempts to make sense of a weird situation. After all, there’s nothing the mind likes better than a good story.

The 5 Weirdest Sixth Senses Humans Have (Without Knowing It)

  • We Can Smell People’s Personalities and Emotions
  • Some of Us Can See Impossible Colors
  • Ovulating Women Can Sense Snakes and Gays
  • Men Can Sense Ovulation
  • Your Eyes Can “See” Even After You Go Blind (because retina can figure out how to bypass the broken visual cortex and send the information to the brain)
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