

Suicides are killing more youths than illness. How we can curb this massive killer?

Vivek, a fifteen year old school going child said goodnight to his parents before going to the bed. Everyday,he would get up 6:30 AM in the morning and get ready for school. Next morning mother noticed there was no activity in Vivek’s room and door was locked from inside. She smelt some wrong and raised…

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Protect and develop the processing of your brain. Try these foods.

Brain – an organ in our body which controls and processes our thoughts, intellectuals and plays an important role in functionality of all organs including heart. That’s why brain is called processing unit of our body. But an alarming threat, WHO recently shared some disturbing as well as alarming facts about the rising cases of…

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This Rajasthan village has kept drought away for thirty years. It can happen all over the country.

Long queues for government-supplied water tankers are a common summer sight in most parts of Rajasthan. But in Laporiya, a village 80 km from Jaipur, a collective effort to harvest water by 350 families has been defying drought for the past 30 years. While ground water has gone down to 500 feet in nearby areas,…

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Famous world destination, what you imagined and what it looked in reality.

There are various popular tourist destinations in world where a large number of people visit round the year. These destination and monuments carry an image of serene and peaceful places but in reality these are not so. Due to growing number of travellers to the famous tourist spots, people look to be thronged the destinations…

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Unstoppable Baba. Patanjali now predicts to be top FMCG company by one year.

Yoga teacher Ramdev was all about the turnover asana today as he predicted that his fast-growing Patanjali Ayurved would soon upstage giants like Colgate, Unilever and Nestle. “Colgate will be below Patanjali by this year, and in three years, we will overtake Unilever,” Ramdev told reporters. “Patanjali products would make shut the ‘gate’ in Colgate.…

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