
Protect and develop the processing of your brain. Try these foods.


Brain – an organ in our body which controls and processes our thoughts, intellectuals and plays an important role in functionality of all organs including heart. That’s why brain is called processing unit of our body. But an alarming threat, WHO recently shared some disturbing as well as alarming facts about the rising cases of dementia across the globe. It says 47.5 million people worldwide have dementia, a disorder which affects performance of brain resulting memory problems, personality and behaviour changes and impaired reasoning. There are 7.7 million new cases every year. At the rate in which brain cells are degenerating these days, it’s important we provide it the right fuel to stay upright and functional.

We bring you 7 foods that will help you boost your mental abilities.

Eggs – Go to any nutritionist and eggs will definitely feature in their list of must-haves. Ready in minutes, these come with a solid punch of health benefits. Egg yolks contain choline, which is essential for the brain, especially in its short term memory function.


Sunflower Seeds – Sunflower seeds are a rich source of Vitamin E, which plays a vital role in smooth memory functions. In fact, these seeds can be memory saviors for the elderly. They are also rich in choline which aids short term memory function. Its oil is considered to the most used edible oils in the world.


Fish fats – Fish fats provide us with Omega 3 fatty acids that are extremely important for brain functions and development. Pregnant women are suggested to eat fish two to three times a week for the well being of her offspring. Consuming fish in pregnancy is said to improve baby’s brain function. Salmon and tuna are believed to be the best sources of Omega 3.


Berries – Nature has provided us with more than enough food choices and berries are the perfect example of that. Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries are rich in antioxidants that have are beneficial for brain signaling pathways. Berries also help prevent cell death and inflammation of brain. It would not be entirely wrong to say that the antioxidant qualities of berries may also help delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.


Spinach – Besides being a rich bodybuilding food, spinach also contains lutein, which is a powerful antioxidant. It prevents cognitive decline. Lutein in comparison to other cartenoids is absorbed better by the brain. Lutein helps in improved executive function of the brain including memory and learning.


Beets – This maroon vegetable is one of the richest sources of nitrates that improve blood flow to the brain. As a result it improves brain function. It is also known to help brains with dementia as it increases blood flow to the affected part of the brain.


Nuts – Almonds cashews, peanuts, walnuts are all natural sources of vitamin E. A handful of nuts can provide you with enough amount of this vitamin and ensure there are no lags in the brain function.

There is nothing more important that our health and when we take care of our health, it keeps body energetic and develops will power to handle multi tasks with competence. So, make a routine to have above foods which are easily available and give strength to your brain which develops a fast processing system of the body.

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