

Mouth on fire due to hot chillies, no ‘Fire Brigade’, these remedies will control the fire.

Spicy, hot and peppery, the food which all like to have no one can control when spicy and hot food is served. For example, momos are served with a variety of sauces which contain hot chilies and its intake in your mouth creates severe burning of mouth. Such situation can be many times while eating…

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Mission Accomplished – ISRO launched its final IRNSS-1G satellite. India to have own GPS.

India completed its landmark mission for a regional navigational system on par with United States-based GPS with the successful launch of IRNSS-1G, the seventh and last in the constellation of satellites that make up the system on 28th April, 2016. When the IRNSS-1G becomes operational in about a month’s time, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite…

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We are pushing ourselves towards devastating threat. Lets save ourselves before that situation strikes.

Before I proceed to main paragraph, I would like you to look at below points – • A big part of the country going through severe drought conditions. • In various parts of India, people are struggling for few drops of water. • In some cities in India, people walk miles every day to get…

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Top 10 cars sold in India in financial year 2015-16.

Indian automobile market is at boom with steep rise in number of cars sold in the market. All manufacturers like Maruti Suzuki Limited, Hyundai, Honda, Mahindra, Tata Motors and others are leaving no stone unturned in being in top ten sold number of vehicles in the market. A vehicle not being in top sold list…

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Some suggestions for you while shampooing your hair.

Shampooing your hair is a routine, but you’d be surprised that people make quite a few basic mistakes in this. Here are a few shampoo mistakes that you need to avoid – Choosing the wrong shampoo – Most of people believe all shampoos to be suitable for their hair type. Hair types of people do…

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